Building a competitive advantage in SEO isn't just about the Google machine. Don't miss these 4 big opportunities that hit home at this year's MnSearch Summit.
Read MoreA lot of web work involves getting our leaders to support our big plans, but earning that support can be hard. So where do you start?
Read MoreHow we give away our power to excuses and fears instead of creating the life we actually want to live.
Read MoreThe nitty gritty of your website buildout can become a big mess in a hurry if you're not organized well or tracking the right things. So how do you corral thousands of moving pieces?
Read MoreMinneWebCon conference presentation on managing your own energy when facing challenging coworkers and clients.
Read MoreBefore you can set a defendable, realistic deadline for your monster migration project, you should probably complete these top tasks.
Read MoreIt’s frustrating to receive vague criticism. But if we coach stakeholders right from the start, they’ll offer more meaningful feedback and even help us navigate tough creative decisions.
Read MoreWhen no one is in charge of testing, it doesn't happen or doesn't happen well. Even if it's not part of our job descriptions, web strategists and content experts should pitch in and perhaps even lead the effort.
Read MoreBad content happens no matter what technology we use. So let's get after the real culprits behind our problems and stop blaming our tools.
Read MoreI wrote an article for A List Apart about how to manage the human element of web projects. Read the full article.
Read MoreWhen you dream up new content models and systems, think about the real people who will implement your plans and interact with the results.
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